Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lots of things happened since i last posted in.

Man U lost to Barca, to my eternal despair since of I'm a total Red Devil fan... :(
Well, i console myself to the fact that Man U has already achieved treble with the other cups....

My mum is home from the seminar in Putrajaya, and she won second place in a tourney there, something about governmental service or something like that. *yay mum*


Dr. Mansur Othman won the Penanti by-election by over 4,000 votes, far surpassing other candidate's figures. Quite impressive as a matter of fact although the low voters turnout of meagre 46% is regrettable.

One would have thought after March 8th things will be for the better, with people becoming more enlightened and politically aware.
Realising that voting rights is quite a privellege, a sacrilage even, not granted that easily to citizens of any countries, they have to be fought and gained, the Suffragette ladies would be disappointed...

still, its a victory.

i guess people were already certain of this particular triumph, especially when BN chickened out and announced for the first time in Malaysia's political history it will not be contesting, it will be a plain sailing for PKR.

they were right in that account, though i think victory is not so sweet when the real adversary waved the white flag before even entering the battlefield.

ha, now that i mention it, i did went to watch the Grand Final Ceramah at Mengkuang last night.

the support from all the components of Pakatan Rakyat were evidently and obviously showcased to the hundreds of those present that night with rep from all Pas, PKR and DAP making an appearance.

Anwar Ibrahim himself made a speech to the enthusiastic response of an appreciative audience, smatterings of dark humour between explaining several recent issues and appealing to the crowd. Dr Hatta and Mat Sabu from Pas, Saifuddin Nasution, and Penang MB, Lim Guan Eng from DAP was also there.

a point to note though is the composition of the audience. before this, in all the ceramahs that i've been to, it would be tough luck to spot any non-Malay attendees. that night however, everyone can see the presence of Malays, Chinese, Indians and others amidst the crowd, rubbing shoulders and generally enjoying themselves, talking with each other amiably. a remarkable sight indeed! for that one night and occasion, all race and language barrier were cast aside, we were all there as Malaysians. That people, is saying a lot. my heart were touched at the sheer simplicity of it. this proved that we can stand together in solidarity, no matter where we stand before, we could look forward to a shared future, for a better, unified country.

it's never to late to hope, right?

the crowd dispersed at around midnight in pretty good and mellow mood. I observed that the police officers were being unnaturally unobtrusive, merely patrolling around the general perimeter of the ceramah's site. quite an amazing sight i tell you, considering their habitual activities of turning a perfectly peaceful gathering into a wild, disconcerted mass. haha, that's a way of putting it.

well, they efforts were obviously paid off with the winning.

hmm, another thing is on my fave manga, my constant obsession with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.

the clones got their happy ending and at long, long last.... said I Love You to each other...

*cue dreamy smile*

haa.. that has been really long in coming CLAMP!

well, they are going to be reborn with the combined price of Yuuko and Clow Reed, although, with their memories intact.

all sort of theories is currently circulating in online forums over their identities along with all the other present unresolved mysteries and questions.

i have my own theories of course but perhaps i'll talked about it some other time, when perhaps more illuminating infos surfaced, hehe...

well, this is really an extended post with many things left unsaid no doubt, i'll leave it at this point..

au revoir..

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:41 AM |