Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
filled too soon
the once emptied-out space
is now screeching out
in indignations
in righteous fury with the wrath of Hera
cunningness of Artemis
and deceptiveness of the gentle polished surface of mirrors upon hitting Medusa

the turmoil of waves in a pond
rocking the lily leaves and shocking the slumbering frogs
showing the floorbed to be
devoid of reflections
that is rumoured to be there.

and the eyes of a nightingale
flickers between opaque and clarity
the in-between moment blessedly silent
only murmurings of fluttering wings alerted the forest of it's presence.

the mother leopard mourns for her lost son
she kneels and bargains and trades and threatens
but Zeus is deaf to her plaintive pleas
her franticness is of no concern to him
he turns his back and put his pajamas on

for Mount Olympus sleeps tonight.

and mortals cries remain anguished and grieving
their souls denied of absolutions and grace they seek
with the thoroughness of Clotho with her thread

but why do they still direct themselves heavenward
when they are certain
as a child is certain that her doll is broken forever
that the gates to paradise are closed tonight?

when Hades is issuing his siren's call
Tartarus door thrown wide open
to welcome in sinners from Earth
whose wails mingles with the tides of Rivers Styxx and Acheron?

would Ares rests
and let Themis presides?

the lost son
his white-spotted furs
mottled with blood
knows and would voice the answer
because he knew too the others would not.


because he had seen the pedastals upon which offerings are littered
all asking for Thanatos to descend and carry on
for they both never cease

and Poseidon
he would always heed the braying of foolish men
whose thirst for vengeance and blood will forever be on their tongues
satiation will not be theirs.

the hail and storm will split open the sky
but the gods will sleep on.

because Mount Olympus sleeps tonight.

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 9:35 AM |