Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Saturday, October 31, 2009

my finals will officially start when i sit for titas, less than 10 hours from now.

did i study for it?


okay, a lil effort on the entre and politics, but that's it.

i know, i know, on the plus side, this time around, i actually went and borrow books from the library n ppl, and that a huuggee improvement on my part..

but do i feel the customary trepidation or panic at all?

fuck, no.

much hinged on this finals results, so there's no lack of motivation here...

jpa and law.

big things, those two are.

but do i feel the drive, the intrinsic need to do well?


goddammit, this place is getting to me.

hell, as of the moment, i'm browsing through online boutiques, when i should be feverishly burying my nose in some sort of notes or tomes, or anything!

shiite, i mean it really, whatever is the result would be, i'll be able to say honestly that i deserved it...

its like i've cotton stuffed inside my head or sumethin..

i cant think, i cant rationalise, its driving moi mad!

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 12:59 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my mind's in turmoil.

it's like there's so many jumbled up things up there..

congealed and overlapping.

one over, after another.

i want em to stop spinning.

my head that is.

n of course my treacherous heart n emotions.

won't stop exerting it's new-found influence on my heart.

it's time like this that i want numb.

nothingness can be sheer bliss sometimes, ya know..

it hurts, so much.

it pains me like hell.

i canna make it stop.

n i want end so bad.

like black clouds of fog, swirling and droning, on and on

relentlessly, never-ending.

do i even have a God to pray to?

even if i do

the absence of conviction

of faith.

its chaos



i never wanna choose for anything


coz i never made the right choice anyway.

my life has taken a semblance of normality

there's quite a pattern over it.

routine n familiar can be nice.


balmy as the sea breeze.

but i am so very unstable.

n i hate that.

i fear the words that out's of my mouth

my demeanour in general

i am so very impulsive

bordering on reckless really.

that trait has never serve me anything good.

i don't want connection

no link

to n with no one.

because i was always the odd one out


will i let myself belong?

i don't know.

i wanna sever

completely, if not cleanly

my ties with the world

n her inhabitants

family n relatives

foreign, bloody superficial concepts.

n yet i cannot.

how do i make it stop?

how do i feel the blank spaces?

so that i would never fall in, desist

n start to think.

of everything

then twist my guts into pretzels?

im not angry

im just tired


i feel it down to my soul.

n i know no salve to sooth the abraded surfaces.

let alone herbs or ointment to heal


Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:00 AM | 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009

This Time
Vanessa Carlton

It's 4 a.m. and I'm wide awake
Waiting for my thoughts to fade
A flickering of all of my mistakes
And as the light starts creeping in
I slowly feel
The day I'm missing
But I wouldn't even know where to begin

Do I push to hard?
Or fall to fast?
The moment never seems to last
Will I stop long enough to know

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away,
This time

Your words circle in my head
Weigh so heavy on my chest
And I'm crushed by your expectation
I only want to do some good
Too dumb to know if I could
And I just wanna feel the days I'm in

Do I go to far,
Not far enough?
Why can't I keep my big mouth shut?
And do we lead the life that we should?

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away,
This time

Did I say to much again?
I'm just a girl in a panic
If I tell you my truth
Am I getting through?
It just seems I should confess
Who am I to pretend
This is more than I can carry

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I hold my head up high
I know I'll be alright
This time
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away
This time
This time,
This time
This time,
This time

It's 4 am and I'm wide awake
Waiting for my thoughts to fade
It's times like these I see your face

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:25 AM | 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Fear life, but don't die; you're alone, everybody's alone."

-Jack Kerouac

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 8:56 AM | 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009

hell, did i just spent hours having a laidback conversation with two guys?

two malay guys?

freely, unreserved?

i recalled the last time i managed that was when i was in standard 5, when i was 11.

precisely, 8 years ago.

as i would also remember, my world went careening, tossed upside down shortly after that.

but, the catch is,

i felt nothing after it.


i don't believe any word that they've uttered, they're males after all..

and to think that i've totally looked down on those whom hours were spent with a group of guys.

damn, what the fuck is happening to me?


and i've also spent the night watching a concert, if one can call it that.

lukewarm at best, the crowd's just, meh..

wholly unresponsive.

not feeling it, ya know?

and i wore the most daring shirt i've ever worn in public, covered and toned-down with the robin egg blue cardi of course.

my parent would've dropped to the ground clutching their chest if they saw me in that very daring ensemble'..

*wicked, naughty grin*

i did feel self-concious in it, it's my first time after all, but i lost most of my inhabitation after a while.

and i got myself dadih, weehee! :))


and chelsea won 2 nil over liverpool..

since man u is not involved, i'm fine with it i guess.

but they're down to the second spot, with chelsea barely heading with mere 2 points, not good at all..

keep up red devils!


my head kinda spinning really, and i have to rationalize it first, as is customary for me to do....

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:58 AM | 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009

I've just figured something out.

the word's or more accurately frank wheeler's definition of insanity had been resonating through me.

"you know what insane is April? It's the inability to connect to people and to give and receive love."

hell, that's it.

what is wrong with my life.

by his figuring, i fit the bill to perfection.

i certainly am not living like any normal person should.

yesterday, i broke another personal record.

sure, i fell asleep around 5 am, the normal hours for me nowadays.

but i woke up some 16 hours later, around 9 pm, yeah, the night after.

holy crap, that is.

then, today, something hit me.

i have no contact at all with any other living person except in the most superficial of senses.

sure, i meet and greet people, facebook-stalk some, sms and call others.

but, i fell nothing at all towards any of those said people.

no, none, nada, non.

deep inside, i'm,


yup, that's it.

i also divined why on earth do i clung so fiercely to those fictions, music.

cause they're the only thing that makes me feel.

anything at all.

because my life is just a shell, a pitiful imitation of a life.

only through those mediums, that i see interaction, human and otherwise.

those characters speak for me.

words that i wouldn't dare, have no chance whatsoever to vocalize.

they lived hundreds of lives that i shall never have.


i never lived.

i breathe, i eat, i talk ( meager words that's out of mouth at all), i defecate, i slept.

but i don't live.

not in realistic sense of that word.

i'm overwhelmed, bewildered.

so many things assailed my senses, my head, my heart.

yet i can only rationalize them all of my own.

i know this means that i'm lonely, in desperate in need of human companionship really but it goes deeper than that.

truly, i ache to live, to be with another human being, to able to truly call them my friend.

god, can't any of you see, i don't know how to be a friend?

my few skills have gone rusty from lack of use.

but i promise to try my best, to give my all, if only the right person is here.

those are romantic notions, i know, whimsical really rather than practical.

but was my sins so grave then, that my punishment is so very severe?


i walk the earth, i witness other people living their lives, miserable though most were..

but for me to just be a spectator from the sidelines, while the fire in me burn so bright, unthinkable for me even to think to quench, is totally unbearable.

i've got layers yes, but was use those would be if i'm all alone?

i'm raring not only for a guy, no.

just to live, ya know?

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 8:35 AM | 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Can't leave, can't stay, no damn use to anyone..."

when out is just not an option anymore, and staying is far too painful to bear out.

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 12:07 PM | 0 comments