Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Sunday, May 23, 2010
my eyes flitted through the red poppy fields of afghanistan, of tigers with violence roaring in it's amber gaze, while my fills with saliva at the images of selection of delicious food, decadent and simple one paraded across the screen.

yet my brain caught nothing. of scientists who play gods in labratories, tinkering with the fundamentals of life, the significance is lost on me as water leaves rocks on riverside as the sun rises on the crack of dawn.

i am seized by the near desperate need to gather and accumulate more facts, the survivor of a sinking ship holding on to a piece of wood to keep afloat.

but oh, the splinters is embedded in my palms, and i feels as if im losing my grip faster than i could claw my nails to the board. my anchor is no more.

my efforts i think, hinged more on a psychological compulsion towards validating my phantom of an existence.

i have regressed, i am afraid and i know this.

razor's edge away from tearing of my matted hair from their weakened roots, i seek to hold together the frayed seams, my body now feels obsolete and lighter than noble gases.

my head is underneath ocean's lips,
it is strangely calm down here
the greenish glow wavers
i hold my breath in
my nose bleeds and
the silence echoes tranquility
stillness in contrast
with turbulence of thunderstorms on the surface
i could barely see
the franticness that oozes
trickles and waged on and on
but i am enveloped 
the threads of white sand
i embroider
and a cocoon is formed
i am serene.

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:45 AM |