Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Friday, June 19, 2009

just when i thought things couldn't have gotten much worse than this.

wait, oh no, lets put her through the whole cycle of agony and anguish all over again!

what a cruel cosmic joke.

sakura had been subjected to an eerily similar predicament as last year's.

she has sworn, never again will she be consigned to that living nightmare of a life.

eh, surprise, surprise, she is!

my thoughts are much incoherent, i didn't posses the ability to think straight anymore.

my life has taken such a bizzare and absurd turn that for once, i have no idea how to react to this particularly delicious piece of news anymore.

i have no joy, no anger, no tears left in me, they were well and truly drained from me.

i couldn't have foreseen this situation in a zillion years.

to be dragged through the mud all over again.

to be left at the mercy of fate and received a crushing setdown from the hands of said fate.

i know i'm a muslim, that i'm not, never supposed to question the workings of destiny and fate.

que sera sera.

i've tried as valiantly as i can to hold on to those words, of reasons behind events all this while.

yet, i found that faith, or lack thereof is wearing down. really thin.

and all i could ask is this.

what exactly am i suppossed to be now?

a tormenting as it is, i've tentatively beginning to accept that through the workings of hitsuzen, of hidden reasons that i'm not supposed to be a doctor.


harder still, to make myself see that maybe for the same stated reason, i'm suppossed to be a lawyer.

i despise the job but it is quite acceptable, as it is a professional course, the career prospect is pretty wide.


now this.




it's like sayin i'm not good enough to be a lawyer.

i don't want to be one, make no mistake about that but it is a respectable career. besides secure, it pays good.

this is a huge form of insult.

to add salt to injury, it's to be at a godforsaken uni in the middle of nowhere.

bloody hell.

look, i can picture being a doctor, in a pristine and sterile white building. or a lawyer, all black and white, twisting and spinning facts to their monetarial advantage.

but a goddamned manager?

i'm flat out mess, and you expect me to run a company?

you'll see the ruin of that enterprise within a week after im hired.

provided i can find a job in the first place, of course.

this is absurd. this is too ridiculous to contemplate, let alone bear.

i'm being pressured into an existence which i know will be nothing short of hellish.

i know me, okay?

i can be a bit stuborn sometimes.

and it will take years for me to get me to console myself to confront a particularly nasty situation.

i am the one who have to go there, stay there for 3 BLOODY YEARS, making myself truly miserable.

i am.

noboby else.

look, i've been through all of this before.

i wouldn't have to look deep to foresee what will happen there.

i can guess precisely and acurately what my reactions and everybody else's will be once i'm there.

i'm going to turn myself inward again.

i did one year.

it was sheer, complete and total hell.

i lost myself back there.

i return home tattered, only in pieces.

the experience left me bitter and cynical.

that was only one year.

i'll die before the three years is up.

inside at least.

no, i don't want to go there.

which sane human being would willingly jump into a familiar pit after just barely escaping it, battle-scared and toughened being recognition?


but as it was, last year, there is no room for discussions, no options.

everywhere i turned, i stumbled upon impermeatable walls.

i want to take year off, to work a while and then resume with A level. then go do my degrees.

my mum is against it.

and i couldn't turn back and do my foundation as we have not the necessary fund.

my mum made that point unhesitatingly clear.

the only reason i went through last year is to prevent my family from being cast out on the streets and starving.

i made it sound so dramatic, didn't i? but it was nothing but the stark truth.

and i'll be damned if i were to be so selfish and subject them to that treatment this time around.

but then again, i am the one who had to go through all this, nobody else.

and i know, there is no way on God's green earth that i'm going to survive the three years there unscathed.

dear God.

is it too late to pray?

i don't even know what to pray for now..

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 11:26 AM |