Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

one of the weirdest day.

with strange twists, ups n downs.

starter's rotten luck, what with buses n glasses debacle.

believe it or not, i spend the whole day looking like a half-wit, squinting at every single bloody thing, with everyone commenting upon it.

n i found that blasted thing hidden amidst clothes in the wardrobe, of all the goddamned places on earth???

i mean, how the hell did got there in the first place??


n i'm getting myself all worked up again.

not good, sakura, need to be the mature, calm n rational girl that i am, that's not given to melodramatics...

*takes a huge breath*

ookay, better.

i missed the stats class, again n politi.


must stop this, this laziness mode.

she's giving me strange looks already, please don't hate me yet..

y should i give a damn anyway?


n then i started with brida.

very-very pleasant surprise.

full with philosphical verses with quixotal turns, clear yet deeply intense at the same time.

lots of very meaningful questions, universal ones that no one has answers for, the cool thing is that coelho asks us to surrender to not knowing, at least in regards of questions of divinity n spirituality.

n his insistence of soul mate, invoking my dormant romanctic notions, although i've resolve to mostly ignore n dismiss them as hormonal urges of a teen.

yet, he mocks that those who refuses this gift, he makes me question my stance on love.

he urges me to risks it all, because we have to, there's no other way towards achieving Supreme Wisdom otherwise.

n i'm so very adamant of becoming The Virgin. n that apparently means being 'condemned to eternal solitude'.

he has quite contradictory issues.

this is turning into a book review, probably should stop n finishes reading before making further comments..

n talking bout reviews..

bloody hell.


escapism is the the way, no?

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 12:05 PM |