Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
i swear, ive never feel like this in all my time on the earth..

my heart takes too much room inside my chest

i'm heady with this indescribable feeling inside

feels as if im sprouting wings to soar great heights or something

as if anything is possible this moment

i can do and say whatever the damn i wanna

and nothing on earth can keep me down.

not anymore.

i truly, for once am saying

to hell with the world and her inhabitants.

nobody or nothing can restrained nor put chains on me.

this is my life

and no soul have a say in how im living it

no one.

you have a problem with me, how i look, what's out of my mouth, well that's your business, ain't it, definitely not mine

so if you feel you have some bone to pick bout that, lemme suggest that you shut the fuck up,

i don't give a shit.

nobody wants a part of me, fine so do i.

whatever respect or pathetic childish and adolescence longing for acceptance i've harboured before

well, it's gone.

im no angel, no saint but im not some felon undeserving of love and companionship

because goddamned it, i do.


i know that i'll probably fall harder and faster than ever before but by zeus,

im gonna enjoy every second of this clarity while it lasts.

and for my sanity's sake, it'd better be long..

Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 10:28 AM |