Hopeless Romantic. Grounded Realist. Jaded Cynic.
Indignant Sputtering of A Recalcitrant Insomniac

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i don't get angry easily.

in fact, rarely, if ever my temper got the better of me.

it is usually dor
mant as i am a compassionate and kind person by nature.

but this is one good exc

damn them all, they are the only people who can really get under my skin and really set my hulk meter to a boiling point.

i'm worse than green and gigantic now, i want to rage and roar and just tore into their hides!

huh, i sound like the kind of person who'd benefited nicely from a few sessions of anger management course. which i am so not.



clearly they don't.


you wanna know what did those jackasses did?

they hack into upu webite and found out my results.

worse, they tell everyone bout it.


apparently everyone knows bout it already.

goddammit, it's a private matter!

why in all fuck would you go and found out my stuff for???

shove that curiousity and false concern up your arse, you bloody nincompoop.

it's not their first time however.

they did this once, with my spm last year.

even my relatives don't know bout that, and you go and decided to stick your nose into my private affairs and then announce it to the whole class!

like, WHAT THE HELL??!

where is your right to me that proclaimed it's okay for you to do that?

none, that's why.


oh my dear god, the mortification.

now everyone can affirmed their opinion of me as a failure.

shit shit shit.

i tried, to keep it relatively unknown and then some bright assholes decided to spread the word.

those people, not only they can continue to do law, but gets to do it in UM, UKM, UIA, whereverthefuckelse.



oh, and i had an argument with my mum this afternoon.

apparently she has been labouring under the misapprehension that the reason why i'm flatly rejecting that bloody offer is because i want to go back to MSU and pick up foundation in science where i left it last year.

i admit, it does have an appeal, but it's not the sole reason.

i made it succintly clear to her that not the issue.

the issue is that i refuse to be subjected to the same rough spot i've been in last year.

just that it's worse this time around.

at least law has some redeeming qualities, being a professional course and all.

but that, uh huh, no way in hell baby.

i genuinely do not want to study that!


then, i had one of the "lightbulb over your head moment".

i could apply to study law in private uni!

damn, why didn't i think of that before??

since i am going to have to apply for PTPTN after all, there is no financial concern there!

of course there's a whole lot more of other factors to be considered (logistics, accomodations, accreditation) before it's final but at least it's something!

owh, the sweet taste of hope!

at the very least, my situation is not completely helpless anymore.

need further discussions with parents though and mum seems quite reluctant but i'll do something.

by GOD, i'm not going to sit by idly and accept the predicament without fighting with all my might first!


i don't care, i won't forgive those goons for anything.

screw you all.

bugger off and leave my alone will ya?

you guys have no part in my life except of little remnants of my past that i desperately wish to overlook and hasten to forget.

there, offended enough?


Posted by Sakura Kira Hikari at 10:37 AM |